dimanche 30 novembre 2014

We're doing a kettle bell swing for

We're doing a kettle bell swing for one minute straight good put that way you need and start-up 14 minutes this make sure back stays Shred HDX nice and flat million nice quick snap with those hips pop those hips forward all that momentum into that kind of bell to swing it up to those shoulders you actually want to show a List View doing relatively little work it's mainly all driven from those legs to build momentum into .


Heading tags in wordpress theme

I know we should put the website name in H1 tag and posts titles in H2 tag IN HOMEPAGE.

What about Single post pages? Which one is better?

  1. Website Title in H1 and Post title in H2

  2. Post title in H1 and use H2 in the content.

I think second one is better so consider this question too: Does second one worth it?

Bizarre amazon ads + adsense issue

This is really odd. I've had a 3 adsense + 2 amazon ad set up for my blog for months. Yesterday I updated an amazon ad from black friday to cyber monday with this code

<iframe src="http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=thetodlif-20&o=1&p=26&l=ur1&
width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;"

1 amazon ad and 1 adsense code are on all posts (beginning and end) then the other 2 adsense and 1 amazon are in the side bar of the main side so appear on pages and posts. Meaning at any given time there is no more than 3 adsense ads, 2 on pages, 3 on posts. Well, after I switched to the ad code above the sidebar ads vanished on posts. I eventually experimented with just removing the new amazon code from the end of posts and presto, adsense in the sidebar is back. It appears they are removing the sidebar ads because the amazon ad is being viewed as adsene and putting it over the 3 ad limit.

Why would google be seeing this amazon ad as an adsense ad?

How can I get a notification every time a Java application starts?

I just wrote my first server in Java and I am running it on a computer on my home network. It is running on a computer that I currently only use for running servers for games that I play with my friends. In order for my server to run, the program opens up a port to listen for connections, and I had to allow access in Windows Firewall for java.exe to open up ports.

Is there a way for me to be notified whenever java.exe starts up? I want to know if some other Java program starts on my computer without me realizing it. Is this something I should be concerned about?

EDIT: It is a simple server that is for accepting HTTP requests.

How much to charge for guest posts on my website?

I'm an owner of a website that is using tumblr as a blogging platform. An advertising company recently contacted me. they said they want to guest post on my blog, they offered me around $30-$50 dlls. per guest posts. but I have so many followers on my blog that I feel like it's not worth it. I have over 30.000 active subscribers on my blog and around 1K daily unique visits. I'd like to get some help regarding how to determine how much should I charge per guest post on my blog? is $30-$50 dlls fair? My main audience are teens.

Thank you very much for your help. Any advice is appreciated.

If my website uses HTTPS for login then can I server advertising pages?

I have a web site that is used for online surveys. Users will log in, take a survey and at the same time I would like to present them with pay per click advertising while they are viewing the pages.

I would like the users to see the HTTPS secure connection on login so I assume I need a certificate installed.

I did read somewhere that if a page is using HTTPS then it would not be possible to display Google Advertising there.

Can someone please give me some advice on this. I am very new to this and would appreciate any help.

Translate a website with a french domain name?

I have a site in french and I want to have an english version. I want to know what are the best practices about domain names. Shoud I keep the name in french and add a path for both languages, like "http://monproduit.com/en" and "http://monproduit.com/fr", or is it better to have two names, like "http://monproduit.com/" and "http://myproduct.com/"?

In google, I want to be able to do search in french and in english. When I do a search in english, I want to have only the result in english.

Is it better to have a separate content?

How to setup www domain but show the domain without www in address bar

I have setup www.typeocaml.com and typeocaml.com both working.

But what I want is that if a user type www.typeocaml.com in the address bar, browser loads the website, but display typeocaml.com.

It is like dropbox: if you type dropbox.com, it shows www.dropbox.com in the address bar while loading. I just want the other way around.

How can I do that? I don't know anything about A record or CNAME record. Just need a quick way to achieve that.

Header height issue

  1. Is a header height of 240px big enough for a Non-Organizational website?

  2. does it take up too much space?

  3. should i make the image "Society of Arts and Letters" smaller?

my screen resolution is 1366x768 and the screen resolution where my html project is applicable is 1280x1024

This image shows the home page of my project

samedi 29 novembre 2014

How to setup server blocks with docker containers?

I am using Digital Ocean droplet. Here is a tutorial about how to setup server blocks: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-nginx-server-blocks-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts

But my multiple websites are hosted in each docker container respectively. I need Nginx, or any other software, to do something like a router, i.e. forwarding different domain's service to different internal network address. In my case, the internal network consists of docker containers I deployed in that server with public IP.

Changing Language of PayPal payment gateway

I am creating a German version of a web store that is built in OpenCart. I have everything translated from English to German, although I just need to switch the PayPal payment gateway to a German version. I'm not sure the best way of going about this.

I've done lots of looking on Google but haven't found any information. I've also tried to post on the OpenCart community forums without success.

The payments would be going to the same account as the English website, I just need to change the PayPal interface to German.

Gmail is blocking my emails sent to them

I believe I got blocked for sending too many emails to one address by gmail. I have an application I made and I had email notifications on. It was sending a lot of notifications recently. I have since altered it so I don't send so many, however it seems I was too late. I got blocked for sending too many emails from my site to my gmail account.

Is there a way to appeal this at all?

host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[2607:f8b0:4002:c07::1b]
said: 550-5.7.1 [2604:180::1458:e4e6 12] Our system has detected that
this 550-5.7.1 message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of
spam sent 550-5.7.1 to Gmail, this message has been blocked. Please visit
550-5.7.1 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=188131
for 550 5.7.1 more information. d5si6473448yhn.57 - gsmtp (in reply to end
of DATA command)

The reason for being blocked is due to sending too many emails.

How to Reference HTML Plug-ins for a Website Maker

I've been using Weebly for a year now and I want to use its embed code feature to maximize customization. I feel the need for Bootstrap or another HTML "plug-in" but I can't get that to work. Is there anyway to reference the plug-in? (Please provide the website maker your solution works for.)

Adding elements on Google Sites

After trying out Google Sites to create a website, I feel it is very limited to mainly text features. I have tried to find a way to implement elements directly using HTML, but to no avail. Buttons are completely blocked, which is a great disadvantage.

I have tried JQuery, but all script is blocked.

Is there anyway to implement elements like <img> using HTML?

Are there any CMS's that will handle mobile only websites?

I'm looking to build multiple mobile websites. I do not want responsive designs because I'm finding that they all seem to have problems here or there regarding the way they respond. On top of that, I have researched to find that mobile only sites can have up to a 400% conversion rate over their responsive counter parts.

The advantages for my use is: Cleaner, less cluttered content Lighter, not as many assets getting passed to the mobile device resulting in a quicker experience for the user.

The disadvantage that I do not like is the fact that with a bigger screen (i.e. 10" tablets) the mobile only sites look a little silly.

So here is what I would like:

  1. Responsive designs to be served to large tablets and desktops.

  2. Mobile only sites to be served to anything smaller. (on subdomain)

  3. The option to force the responsive design if the user wants the full site experience on their phone for some reason.

I've been using Joomla for years. So, I can get my responsive designs that way no problem. I would like to find a system that I can easily build mobile-only sites. Ideally, it would be something that I can get themes for so that I can then just use a WYSIWYG editor to add content. Preferably with the ability to add different types of pages, some with video links, some with google maps, some with lists of products, etc.

I recently signed up for Brick & Mobile and I liked their system, but I find that it is too expensive for my needs. I would like to get something that is either very low cost or preferably open-source.

Can anyone here please point me in the direction of software/frameworks/cms's that are designed and focused around mobile-only sites?

How important is NAP to SEO for a SaaS business website?

Knowing that NAP (name address phone) is important to SEO for local businesses that are city specific, e.g. plumbers, lawyers etc. Is NAP still useful to a software as a service business, which doesn't have any physical address? i.e. users from anywhere can just register at the website for the product, so their physical location doesn't matter.

How to organic SEO for a SAAS (Software as a service) business a national level?

I am planning a SEO strategy for a software as a service company who is targeting visitors at a national level.

What is the best practice SEO strategy for getting qualified visitors to the marketing website?

uploading site via FTP in URL

I am remotely managing a site, and the client has provided me access to the FTP directory via the URL as such: ftp.sunnydaysny.com, and the password

He has not provided access to the entire hosting account, which I am used to using. How am I supposed to upload the files? There is no interface for this in the browser page (at ftp.sunnydaysny.com), only directory/folders.

I tried connecting with an FTP client Filezilla -

host: ftp.sunnydaysny.com (also tried just sunnydaysny.com)

username: theusername@sunnydaysny.com

password: thepassword

Most attempts time out. The one that did not time out, the provided password did not work. I am so unfamiliar with not having hosting admin privileges, I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions?

How can I create platform to connect Google Analytics API and other SEO Data?

I am looking for a visual way to make a platform that connects Analytics, SEM rush, Majestic SEO That I can use to see metrics that I want all in one place?

Should you prompt users to update old browsers?

Is it good practice to prompt users to update their out-of-date browser (older than IE9)?

I know that we should develop sites which work with older versions of browsers, but is the extra effort worth it or should we rely on the users themselves update the browser? After all, newer browsers are more secure, have better performance and are more compatible with other sites.


Web Latency Vs VPS Speed [on hold]

This is a toughest decision for me and I have been going back and forth trying to understand which one is more important - Latency Vs VPS Power

Most of my users are from Australia and the Aussie servers are incredibly expensive when compared to hosting providers in US. For my budged of $80/- per month, I have the following options:

1) I can get a server in Australia with really low latency for my users (like 40 ms) but the VPS will have half the RAM and CPU cores I can get in US hosting provider.

2) For the same budget, I can get a VPS machine with double the RAM and double the VPS cores from a datacentre situated in US, but the latency to Sydney will rise upto 220-250ms!

Other aspects doesnt bother me like bandwidth limit, SSD limit, etc..

Now, I dont know what to do here. Which one do I give more importance to? Which one of these are the bottleneck that can affect my user's experience the most? Would a low latency has more effect or can a high power machine make up for the high latency?

I have read many forums and articles trying to understand the effects of each of these but couldnt draw a line of which one is more of a bottleneck out these 2 and which one is more important than the other. Can someone please shed some lights from your experience plz... I am so confused and dont know what to do next..

Duplicate Campaign Parameters Google analytics

I can't understand what i need to change to fix this issue in google analytics, i was playing with filters there but this error is still on google analytics

Property mysite.com is receiving hits with utm_term parameters of the same text but different letter cases.

Campaign parameters are case sensitive,
so hits with the same keyword text but different letter cases
will show up separately in reports. As an example,
the keywords "newsletter" and "Newsletter" would be considered
different and would have separate rows in reports.
Property mysite.com is receiving hits with utm_term parameters
of the same text but different letter cases,
such as MY SITE, My Site, MYSITE, Mysite.
To avoid having data from the same keywords split across multiple rows in reports,
you can set a case filter for Campaign Term on your views.

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Can Someone Solve This Css Challenge - You'll Need two Screens with Different Resolutions

I'm trying to implement a video parallax background which looks gorgeous on my 1380px laptop screen but then the perspective is thrown out on my 1920px monitor. There must be a solution or rule I can implement to force the correct positioning. Check it out: http://ift.tt/1yu0UX8

Thanks in Advance!

Not receiving email sent from PHP mail() after cPanel migration?

I just moved my site example.com from one host to another by cPanel account backup and restore. Name servers are changed a few hours ago. info@example.com is hosted at Google apps with MX records pointing to aspmx.l.google.com., etc.

Name servers change seems to have propagated because the website is working fine from the new server. However, there's something weirdly wrong with emails:

  1. Emails sent from my Gmail my-name@gmail.com (a native Gmail account) to info@example.com are correctly received.

  2. I can then log in Google apps to view the inbox of info@example.com, see the message and send a reply back to my-name@gmail.com which is again correctly received.

  3. Emails sent to my-name@gmail.com by PHP mail() from the new server are correctly received, with proper 'mailed-by' and 'signed-by' fields in Gmail.

  4. Emails sent to info@example.com by PHP mail() from the new server are NOT received at all, NOT EVEN in spam.

This is really weird because both info@example.com and mail() seem to be working fine individually but when you mail() to info@example.com the message just doesn't arrive.

Any idea why? Is it the DNS propagation or is there anything internally wrong with my server or code? Do I need just wait or do I need to do something?

Difference between div~div and div:not(:first-of-type)? [migrated]

Is there a difference between div~div and div:not(first-of-type)? Aside from IE6 whatever errors, are there cases where they would do different things?

Too many meta tags a bad thing?

I control a website where I have placed 20 or so meta tags. People have told me that too many meta tags could lead to people reaching your site for an unintended purpose. Others say that more is better because you can get your site to the top of search engines. I've done my research and come to no real consensus.

I'm still confused about this concept and I'm unsure what to do with my website now. Also, do meta tags affect your search engine ranking? (e.g. Too many meta tags makes your site less "valuable")

Weebly HTML Customization

I've been using Weebly to create multiple websites for various reasons. Being quite advanced in raw HTML, I've come to no avail with editing Weebly sites directly using HTML. They offer HTML files to edit the style of a page (mostly CSS), but not the true content - like <p></p> tags.

Does anyone know any way to bypass these restrictions?

Browser Language Preference Statistics by Country

I'm wondering which languages are most popular with internet users in countries around the world.

My initial research found browser usage statistics by country, but nothing about proportional language preference.

Are there any such resources?

LAMP Stack as intermediate for XMPP/Jabber

I am working on XMPP for an iOS chat application. And i have installed openfire to accomplish XMPP but i am having a lot of problem as i am new in XMPP.

There are few things which i want to achieve.

  1. While sending those Instant messages i also want to do some more processing on data like storing into database and manipulating them as per requirement (Either PHP or Python).

  2. Email Account Verification while signup.

Is there any way to do this?